LEBANON & JORDAN: Interview with Sheikha Intisar AlSabah on drama therapy, female empowerment
"In an interview with Arab News, Sheikha Intisar AlSabah discusses the ground actions being taken to alleviate the impact of conflict on...

Our First Global Forum
102 attendees, 13 representatives, 1 global community. This marks the first of many future international forums connecting drama...

Israel: Drama Therapist Shoshi Keisari Interviewed on Public Radio about Playback Theater with Older
Click on image to listen to the interview (Hebrew). Drama therapist Shoshi Keisari giving a lecture at Haifa University's Gerontology...

Israel: Drama therapist Tobi Gold talks about screen-addiction in children in a radio interview
Click on the image for to listen to the interview (Hebrew).

Lebanon: Dramatherapist Zeina Daccache directs documentary film presenting her work with incarcerate
Zeina Daccache, director of ‘Scheherazade’s Diary’. Click on image to read full story on The National.

Kuwait: Profile on Fatmah Al Qadfan, first drama therapist in the country
Click on image to read full article on bazaar website.

Kuwait: first drama therapist in the country shares her story and practice in TEDx talk
Click the play button to watch Fatma Al-Qadfan's TEDx talk.

Iraq: Drama therapy is emerging as a treatment of trauma and depression
Click on the image to read full story on The Arab Weekly.

Lebanon: Drama therapy with prison inmates promotes individual and social change
Click on image to see full story on Al Jazeera website.