GLOBAL: Visions and voices of a healthy planet - A Healing Arts event for World Health Day 2022
"In every crisis, it often seems that the first to arrive to help are healthcare workers and artists. This was most recently true during the pandemic, and it is increasingly true as the consequences of climate change become more apparent. Human caused climate change has created an existential threat to life on this planet and has dramatically altered our health and wellbeing as well as our conception of ourselves and our place in the world. It is in this spirit that we have called together care providers and artists across genres and geographies who recognize the relationship between planetary and human health. Health care providers are prescribing nature visits to increase vitality and reduce stress and anxiety. Artists are using the transformative power of the arts to promote awareness, dialogue, imaginative action, and a sense of reconnection. "
Co-hosted by Christopher Bailey, Arts + Health Lead, WHO and Nisha Sajnani, Founding Co-Director of the Arts + Health @ NYU, this conversation titled Our Planet, Our Health brings audiences into a fuller, sensory immersion of the reciprocal relationship between care for our planet and ourselves.
Watch the conversation on the WHO Youtube Channel.
Read the full article and view the list of speakers for the panel on the WHO website.